Uses official tournament dictionaries
Are you looking for English words that contain a specific letter or combination of letters? Look no further than our Unscrambler tool! With its powerful search functions, you can easily find all English words that include the letters you need, whether you're playing Scrabble, Words with Friends, or any other word game.
Simply enter the letters you want to include, and our system will generate a comprehensive list of matching words. With our extensive word database and user-friendly interface, you'll have no trouble finding the perfect word to score big points in your next Scrabble game.
Do you want to know what are the most searched words containing a specific letter? Check out our list below, and use these words in your next Scrabble or Words With Friends game and show off your letter arranging skill:
Looking for the most popular words that contain 2 specific letters? Find them in the list below:
Looking for a word containing a different letter? Find it in the quick links below:
Number of points | Letters |
1 point | A, E, I, O, N, R, T, L, S, U |
2 points | D, G |
3 points | B, C, M, P |
4 points | F, H, V, W, Y |
5 points | K |
8 points | J, X |
10 points | Q, Z |
Do you want to use our word unscrambler to find words containing a specific letter,or letters? You just need to choose the “Words that contain” option from the tool’s drop menu and input the letter (or letters) you want in the “letters” text input field . Click "Unscramble" to generate a list of playable words, containing the letter (or letters) you wanted. Use the words our unscrambler tool generated, and improve your Scrabble game skill while dominating your opponents!
A word unscrambling tool can help maximize tile usage in Scrabble or Words with Friends. Our word unscrambler tool quickly generates a list of words from your tray and the game board. It provides hints and settles disputes over valid words. Plus, it can improve cognitive health while helping you dominate your next word game.