If you like playing Scrabble, Words With Friends, or Text Twist, you're going to need a great word unscrambler. The good news is, Unscrambled Words uses the official Tournament Dictionaries (TWL and SOWPODS) to give you the official and accurate set of words that can be used in these games. Good luck!
To get started, try browsing some of our popular sets of terms.
Here we've provided a number of lists for you to browse to become a Word Unscrambling pro!
If you play Scrabble or Words with Friends, there are times where you have no ideas on what you can do with your current tiles. Or are you just looking for a little extra help in winning the game? No matter your reasons, using a word unscrambler is a great way to ensure you are playing your tiles to their advantage.
A tool like ours allows you to quickly and easily unscramble your game tiles to make words. Many times when you are left with odd letters or all vowels, you come up blank when trying to create words. Now you can input the tiles you have in your tray to help you create a variety of words. All you have to do is enter the letters you intend to use from the game board, as well as the letters from your tray.
The main idea is to give you that small little hint you need when you get stuck. Many people use Unscrambled Words as a way to find the best scoring words for the tiles they have, which will also help you on your quest to win. Our word solver isn’t just for helping you win though, it is also useful in helping you learn new words and settle arguments over whether or not you or your opponent are playing a valid word, and it has the extra benefit of improving your brain health.
To start using all you need to do is enter your letters along with any letter you can use on the board. Our tool allows you to enter up to 15 letters and up to two wildcards. Once you hit search, we will provide you with an extensive list of playable words you may choose from.
Our standard search option provides you with an extensive list of every word you can make with the letters you have entered. Our program starts by providing you with all of the two-letter words you can make, then moves onto to three-letter words, four-letter words, etc. Our advanced search option allows you to provide a little more guidance in what you are looking for, such as words that start or end with a specific letter or what letters a word needs to contain.